Scallop survey

10 November, 2013 | Posted in Other| Tagged , , , ,

TMK team members completed a survey of Te Whaka a te Wera Mātaitai on Rakiura (Stewart Island) in June 2013, off the University of Otago boat “Beryl Brewin.” This research was funded by the Ministry for Primary Industries and provided key information on the status of the scallop fishery in the Mātaitai that is currently […]

Pāua reseeding

21 October, 2013 | Posted in Other| Tagged , , , , , ,

Te Tiaki Mahinga Kai played an important role in the reseeding of approximately 500,000 juvenile pāua in four customary fisheries in Otago and Southland. The pāua were kindly gifted by the Ocean Beach Pāua Farm in Bluff and were released into the East Otago Taiāpure, Punawai o Toriki Mātaitai, Waikawa/Tumu Toka, and at Bluff. A […]


Chris Hepburn, Marine Sciences Department, University of Otago
Office: 310 Castle Street, Room 144  |  Tel: 64 3 479 7462  |  Email: