Helpful links
Marine Science Department, University of Otago
The Marine Science Department is TMK’s current host organization, led by Dr Chris Hepburn. Both students and supervisors from this department are involved in the TMK program me.
The Centre for Sustainability (CSAFE)
CSAFE conducts cross-cultural work on farming sustainability, genetic modification, environmental education, energy, and indigenous resource management. For the first decade of TMK’s work, CSAFE was the programme’s hosts.
Toitu Te Whenua Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
Through Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, this organization has directly assisted TMK with funding, advice, and political support. Many of their projects focus on kaitiakitanga, retention of mātauranga, and practical ecological restoration.
Department of Zoology, University of Otago
Staff and students from the Zoology Department are involved in TMK’s research programs.
Tātai kōrero ka ngaro, tātai kōrero ka rangona.